LPV controller synthesis for a flight control problem

The file Demo_008.m is found in IQClab’s folder demos; it performs an LPV controller synthesis with the function fLPVsyn. The example is taken from [16]. This paper describes the application of the LPV control design algorithm to a parametrically varying flight control problem. The LPV model together with the performance objectives are found in this reference.

The equations of motion are given by:

\left(\begin{array}{c}\dot{\alpha}\\ \dot{\beta}\\n_z\end{array}\right)=\left(\begin{array}{c}kM\left(\left(a_n\alpha^2+b_n\alpha+c_n\left(2-\dfrac{M}{3}\right)\right)\alpha+d_n u\right)+\beta\\M^2\left(\left(a_m\alpha^2+b_m\alpha-c_m\left(7-\dfrac{8M}{3}\right)\right)\alpha+d_m u\right)\\ M^2\left(\left(a_n\alpha^2+b_n\alpha+c_n\left(2-\dfrac{M}{3}\right)\right)\alpha+d_n u \right)   \end{array}\right)


  • \alpha\in[0,\pi/9] is the angle-of-attack (rad)
  • u is the tail fin deflection (rad)
  • \beta is the pitch rate (rad/s)
  • M\in[2,4] is the Mach number
  • n_z is the normal acceleration per g

The remaining constants are given by

  • a_n=414.9
  • b_n=-664.9
  • c_n=-208.4
  • d_n=-41.8
  • a_m=49.9
  • b_m=-79.1
  • c_m=3.6
  • d_m=-14.5
  • k=0.001

The synthesis objective is to track the commanded acceleration manoeuvres n_{z,r}, while satisfying some performance specifications. The control input is the tail fin deflection u, and the measurements are the error in nominal acceleration and the pitch rate:

    \[y=\left(\begin{array}{c}n_z-n_{z,r}\\ \beta\end{array}\right)\]

We choose the reference n_{z,r} for the normal acceleration as the exogenous performance outputs as:

    \[z_p=W_p\left(\begin{array}{c}n_z-n_{z,r}\\ u\end{array}\right)\]

with the performance weight

    \[W_p=\left(\begin{array}{cc}\dfrac{0.5(s+7)}{(s+3.5\cdot 10^{-6})}&0\\0& \dfrac{4.444\cdot 10^{7}(s+9)}{(s+2\cdot 10^{6})} \end{array}\right)\]

in order to enforce disturbance rejection at low frequencies and to penalized control actuation at high frequencies.

To derive the LPV model, we conveniently choose the Mach number, M, and the angle of attack, \alpha, as scheduling variables. Then it is not difficult to formulate an LFT structure of the equations of motion with normalized scheduling block

    \[\Delta_\mathrm{s}(\delta_M, \delta_\alpha)= \left(\begin{array}{cc}\delta_MI_5&0\\0&\delta_\alpha I_2\end{array}\right)\]

where \delta_M\in[-1,1] and \delta_\alpha\in[-1,1].

The synthesis was run with the following code:

  • Length of the basis function: 3
  • Solution check: ‘on’
  • Enforce strictness of the LMIs: \epsilon=1e-8
% Load missile open-loop plant
load missile

% Define uncertainties
del_a = ureal('del_a',0,'Range',[-1,1]);
del_M = ureal('del_M',0,'Range',[-1,1]);
Del_a = pi/18*(1 + del_a);
Del_M = 3 + del_M;
Del_T = blkdiag(Del_a*eye(2),Del_M*eye(5));

% Extract open-loop interconnection for normalized uncertainties
P         = lft(Del_T,ssbal(G));
[olic,De] = lftdata(P);

% Append weighting functions
wp    = ss(tf([0.5,3.5],[1,3.5e-6]));
wu    = ss(20*tf([1/0.9,1],[1e-6,1]));
Wo    = ssbal(blkdiag(eye(7),wp,wu,eye(2)));
wolic = Wo*ssbal(olic);

% Define scheduling block
H{1} = blkdiag(eye(5),zeros(2));
H{2} = blkdiag(zeros(5),eye(2));
La   = polydec(pvec('box',[-1,1;-1,1]))';

iqcdeltaOpt.InputChannel   = 1:7;
iqcdeltaOpt.OutputChannel  = 1:7;
iqcdeltaOpt.Polytope       = La;
iqcdeltaOpt.UncertaintyMap = H;
iqcdeltaOpt.TimeInvTimeVar = 'TV';
iqcdeltaOpt.Structure      = 'FB';

Delta = iqcdelta('Delta',iqcdeltaOpt);

% Define synthesis options
options.RelaxType = 'CH';
options.FeasbRad  = 1e8;
options.constants = [1e-8,1e-7,1e-7,1e-9,1e-8,1e-8];
options.subopt    = 1.1;
options.bounds    = [1e5,1,1e5,1];

% Perform synthesis
[K,ga] = fLPVsyn(wolic,Delta,[7,2,2],[7,1,1],options);


  • The chosen relaxation type is convex hull (CH),
  • The feasibility radius is confined to 10^8,
  • The LMI constraints are perturbed by the constants 10^{-8}[1,10,10,1,1,1],
  • A sub-optimal solution is computed, while \gamma is relaxed with 10% and while the norms are minimized with options.bounds=[10^5,1,10^5,1].

This yields the LTI part of the controller, K, together with the obtained sub-optimal induced L_2-gain, \gamma=1.74. The time-domain simulation results are shown in the following figure.

Time-domain simulation results for the design LPV controller

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